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Michelle Kirkpatrick
Freelance Realtime Reporter
and owner of
If contacting a local firm is not a realistic option for you, then perhaps organizing a group of ten or more reporters in your area to have me come speak to you could be an option. When you can support each other locally into the future, you have a much better chance of success.
I am also willing to speak to larger groups at, for instance, a state convention if you would like to suggest that someone on your state board/convention committee contact me for a future local seminar or convention in your area.
The last option that I would recommend would be hiring me as an hourly performance coach right out of the starting gate, but sometimes it may be the only practical choice. Starting from Step 1 remotely and on an individual basis may not be the best use of your money in my own opinion, but it will definitely get you there! We can work together one hour at a time and evaluate your progress in order for you to determine how far and long you'd like to continue.
I would recommend reading the blog articles contained within this website, the Power Reporter, before we begin so that you have a basic understanding of where we are going with this. The seven "Power Reporter Tips" down the right side of the individual blog pages are sort of the seven golden rules of success, but figuring out how to create an actual curriculum from which you, the individual reporter, can learn from is how you are practically going to get there.
We can start whenever you like. The services are currently set at $150 an hour, which is a number considerably less than what I earn as a technical realtime reporter and likely on the up side of what you are earning as a nonrealtime reporter currently, so hopefully it is a number "somewhere in the middle" that you feel you can live with. I promise you, I am not looking to get rich doing this; my goal is merely to help reporters learn how to strengthen their skills so that we all feel we are Power Reporters at whatever level is our own personal ultimate goal! The stronger each of us are, the stronger all of us are collectively, as a group.
Contact me for a specific appointment time, and I will guide you to an online link for prepayment of your first hour.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Rough Draft Boot Camp is the first of the "Power Reporter" seminar series featuring creative tools for the advancing reporter.
Since its inception, Power Reporter has focused primarily on:
Theory proficiency and expansion;
Better realtime performance;
Quicker and more efficient rough draft production; and
Getting your dictionary ready for higher-level certification testing
Power Reporter has expanded its coaching portfolio to include:
Career goals coaching, business growth action plans, and milestone events;
Rates and terms structure and negotiation;
The art of upselling reatlime, rough drafts, and expedited transcripts;
Zoom and hybrid tips and tricks and closed-system audio options;
How to train your scopist mini series workshop;
One-on-one direct scopist training;
Eclipse customized settings, including:
Keyboard macros and macros from the writer;
Speaker IDs, including your Master Speaker list;
Advanced save functions, advanced job dictionary directory setups
Translation Magic, phonetics, and integral prefix and suffix definitions
Autobrief realtime settings and BridgeMobile and CM connection features
Scopist and proofreading customization, including Edit station user numbers, display color selections, useful macros for you and your scopist to both cash in on; efficient job and master dictionary entries and word list-building
I am also going to begin including an entirely new topic for reporters who would like to have their own clients but don't want so much down time with all of the admin work: "Hands on the Machine: Maximizing your amazing skill by becoming more efficient in all other aspects of your business operations."
You may also wish to get your own group of reporters together and ask for an in-person or remote group quote on seminar topics such as:
30 Days to Better Writing (A four-week, one-hour weekly session workshop series + 1 hr of 1-on-1)
30 Days to Better Testing (A workshop series specifically for those who will be testing soon
Mastering the Art of Professional Presence
Keep Calm and Step up Your Game: Ways to Invest in Your Career One Step at a Time
Our Amazing Brains and the Power of Neuroplasticity
As I unearth more topics that I have offered in the past as seminars and informal coaching, I will add them to the list above!
The area of performance coaching that I originally began with is a process that was meant to be secondary to Rough Draft Boot Camp. My working premise for the individual coaching was that reporters who spent a day hard at work "learning how to learn" in boot camp would benefit the most from utilizing my services as a performance coach.
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
I haven't lost sight of the idea that to consider contacting the local freelance firm you work with most and asking them to host a local Rough Draft Boot Camp is still a really good idea. Because if you let me teach you how to fish in a more formal environment before we begin to truly personalize this process for you, you have a better understanding of the sort of structure and shift it will take in your thinking in order to really begin applying yourself to making not just any changes but the *right* changes, and the right changes for you, in order to start moving forward in an organized way. My plan was that after the boot camp at a local agency, you would be invited to a private Facebook group designed especially for those who have graduated from boot camp and are ready to move on, individually but with the support of other like-minded Power Reporters, on that same "individual" journey to excellence! This, however, did not exactly materialize as I envisioned that it could.
Smaller agencies these days who are not selling out I think still have a very difficult time getting into a mindset that they don't have to have the rough draft work lined up for you already in order to start training you to provide it. They just need to help you get the training so that you can start learning how to upsell it on the jobs you are already taking. What better place to begin than with the work and the clients that you are already most comfortable with? It seemed to make a lot of sense to me.
But here we are, six years later in 2023, and it appears that reporters will need to continue to remain their own strongest advocate. They will have to continue to find ways to move forward on their own and without the help of agencies who may (or may not) want to continue to ride the line of being an employer or a general contractor, all without providing the benefits and education and training that any typical employer would be offering up in order to keep their employees at the top of the market. Alas, this just isn't the world we live in.
Thank you in advance for your patience as I revamp this website to reveal more of what I can help you to accomplish as your own best advocate and your own best champion, second to me, of course!
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